Straight from the streets of Tokyo, Import Wizards present this beautiful example of the timeless classic Nissan Silvia PS13. Rocking amazing style in the brilliant red with some aggressive wheel and aero fitment this PS13 is breaking necks anywhere it goes. Not only does it look the BOMB, the HKS Turbo helps it go like a little rocket and very happy to slip those rear wheels at the drop of a hat (Loves to throw the tail out this one). Nissan Silvia PS13 are easily becoming one of the most popular JDM cars out there at the moment, dare I say even more than the other Silvias!? Not only that, good ones are getting very difficult to find even on the Japan market. Grab your chance at owning this Japanese legend and you never know we could be giving you that call after the Draw! Best of luck Everyone!
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Import Wizards Team.
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